Rancho Santa Fe firefighters will be taking to the streets and intersections again this year to help raise money for burn survivors. The annual Burn Institute Boot Drive, taking place on Wednesday, March 6, raises money to help fund burn prevention programs and survivor support services, including Camp Beyond the Scars for children who have survived burns. Firefighters will be standing at major intersections throughout the district during the morning and afternoon commutes, collecting monetary donations of any amount in empty fire boots.
“We look forward to this event every year,” said Engineer Nathan Fritchle, who is coordinating RSFFPD’s efforts this year. “It’s a great chance for us to interact with members of the community and raise funds for a very important cause. It also creates a friendly competition among participating fire agencies to see who can raise the most money.”
Fire Chief Fred Cox added, “Due to the nature of this once-a-year endeavor, there may be some traffic delays at a few intersections in our district. We want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we strive to raise money for this great cause.”
The Burn Institute is a non-profit agency dedicated to burn prevention and support for burn injury survivors and their families. Last year’s Boot Drive raised over $217,000. For more information on the Boot Drive and the Burn Institute, please visit their website, www.burninstitute.org.