2024 California Firefighters Memorial Ceremony

The California Firefighters Memorial in Sacramento’s Historic Capitol Park is a unique and stunning tribute to the more than 1500 firefighters who have died in the line of duty since California became a state in 1850. The California Firefighters Memorial was unveiled on April 6, 2002, and is a lasting tribute to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect their fellow Californians. Over the preceding decade, more than $2 million was raised privately for the construction and maintenance of the California Firefighters Memorial with most of the funding coming from firefighters themselves, through the specialized Firefighter License Plates and The Firefighters’ Memorial Tax Check-off.
The California Fire Foundation continues to raise the money for the ongoing care and maintenance of the Memorial. Currently, the California Fire Foundation is raising funds to expand the Memorial to ensure the honor and memory of California’s fallen firefighters for the next 100 years can be memorialized in the same way. Learn more about the California Firefighters Memorial Expansion here.
Each year since 2002, the Annual California Firefighters Memorial Ceremony has honored those firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty or from a job-related illness. The solemn remembrance is steeped in the traditions of the firehouse and hundreds of firefighters, family members and grateful citizens gather in the heart of California’s capital, to pay tribute to those who paid the ultimate price to keep us safe.
The ceremony features a moving uniformed firefighter procession, personal tributes, and the presentation of a U.S. flag to the families of those whose names are newly added to the Memorial Wall. The ceremony has become a touchstone for the profession, and a chance for firefighters, families, and ordinary citizens to grieve and remember together. You can see videos of past ceremonies here.
The 2024 Annual California Firefighters Memorial Ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, October 12, 2024. More information can be found here: https://www.cafirefoundation.org/what-we-do/for-firefighters-and-families/california-firefighters-memorial/2024-california-firefighters-memorial.
The Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District attended in 2022 to honor our fallen Fire Captain Chris Mertz. We will be attending in 2024 to honor our fallen Fire Captain Dale Mosby.